Regular attendance at school ensures your child has the best learning opportunities and social interactions. The school is required to mark the attendance registers twice a day.
To Report an Absence
If your child is going to be absent (sick, appointments, trips etc) or late, please contact the school office before 8.30am on the day of absence. It is the parents' or caregivers' responsibility to alert the school of absences. You may leave a message at any time of the day or night (available 24/7) in one of the following ways:
APP: Use your @School Parent APP to submit an absence
PHONE: +9 626 5103 and Press 1 to leave an absent message
MOBILE: 027 258 9821 call or text to leave a phone message
For all the above please give your child's full name, room number and reason for absence.
Please do not email the office or teachers as the staff member may be away or teaching and is unable to clear your email. We have different staff looking after attendances, so please only use the above options to report absences.
Please be aware under the Ministry of Education guidelines, if the school does not receive any reason for absence from you, your child will be marked as Truant in their attendance records.
We appreciate your help in reducing the time we spend checking that our children are safe. A note or email of explanation should be given to your child’s teacher on their return to school. If your child’s absence is due to any illness lasting longer than 5 days, we will require a medical certificate.
Planned Holidays
Please notify the school in writing or email if you are planning a holiday during term time. Please let us know when your child will be going on holiday, when they will be returning and where they are going.
Children who are late to school (after 8.55am) must sign in to the school office on arrival on Vistab tablet. This lets the office know that your child is safe and it also means we can halt the phone call home checking on their whereabouts.
Picking Up Students Early
Any student that needs to leave before 3pm early must be signed out at the school office by the caregiver on Vistab. The office staff will call the classroom or provide the caregiver with a slip to inform the teacher that the child has been checked out. Teachers will direct caregivers to the office if this has not been done as this needs to be entered on the student's attendance records.

Before & After School Care | OSCAR
Before and after school care is provided by OSCAR, an approved before school care, after school care programme. Parents deliver their enrolled children to the morning programme. As soon as school finishes, enrolled children go directly from their classroom to the hall. For further details please call 027 2010034 or pop into the school office.
Whānau assemblies take place every Friday. Please check with your child's teacher for the time. Whole school assemblies take place in Week 5 and 10 of each term. Parents, caregivers and families are invited to attend any of our assemblies.

Weekly newsletters and important notices are emailed out to our familes to email addresses provided to the school at time of enrolment. We also use eTap @School App. This App sends out any important alerts, reminders and has our school news, events, your child's attendances and school reports and much more.
The app is available on iPhone, iPad, iPod, Android Phone, Android Tablet and Windows phone devices. If you don’t have a mobile device, there is also an app available for computer, both Mac and PC. Please download eTap to your devices.
Lost Property
Please label all clothing items including shoes, school bag, swimming togs and towel, water bottle, lunch box with your child’s name. Lost property is placed in the lost property container which is situated by the school hall. Any lost property nor claimed by the end of each term will be donated to local charities.

Marshall Laing Music School has been providing outstanding music education since 1963. They deliver Saturday morning and after school individual and group lessons for primary, intermediate and secondary school students. Classes are offered in Choir, Clarinet, Drums, Flute, Guitar, Keyboard, Orchestra, Piano, Recorder, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Ukulele and Violin. Students can learn in a group or an individual session. A range of classes are Ministry subsidised.
For more information please click on the link below. Alternatively, if you’d prefer to talk to someone, call the school on 09 626 5103 (8.30am to 12.30pm Saturday mornings only).
Music School

Walking Schoolbus
The Auckland Transport Walking Schoolbus programme is a parent lead initiative supported by the school. Please check back later for updates on this.
The streets around the school are congested, before and after school and on rainy days. We strongly encourage families to use the Margaret Griffen Park and Walk at Margaret Griffen Park. There are over 100 parking spaces available there, and it is only a short five minute across White Swan Road and up Marshall Laing Avenue to the school gate.
Please be mindful of residents and do not park in, or across driveways at any time. There are also clear ways on Battersby Avenue and Kimber Hall Avenue so please be aware that traffic wardens or a police officer may issue infringement tickets.
School Day
Our school day is broken into four learning blocks, each about an hour long.
Children are expected to be in class, prepared for the day by 8.55am. Please ensure you have your child at school in plenty of time. For safety and supervision reasons no child should be on the school grounds before 8.00am and we discourage children being dropped off before 8.15am.
Please click on the link below for bell times, breaks and learning blocks:
2025 Terms and Holidays
Enrolment Day -
Thursday 23 January 9.00am - 2.00pm (New enrolments only)
Term One | 11 weeks
Term begins Wednesday 29 January
Waitangi Day Thursday 06 February - school closed
Term ends Friday 11 April - School finishes at 3.00pm
Term Two | 9 weeks
Term begins Monday 28 April
King's Birthday Monday 02 June - school closed
Matariki Friday 20 June - school closed
Term ends Thursday 26 June - School finishes at 3.00pm
Teacher Only Day Friday 27 June - school closed
Term Three | 10 weeks
Term begins Monday 14 July
Term ends Friday 19 Sept - School finishes at 3.00pm
Term Four | 10 weeks
Term begins Monday 06 October
Labour Day Monday 27 October - school closed
Term ends Wednesday 10 Dec - School finishes at 3.00pm

School Information